Monday, April 29, 2013

The Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Have

The BKTY movement is pure and simple- we are inspiring one another to create a relationship of kindness with ourselves. However, as we all know, pure and simple doesn't always mean easy.  A friend recently remarked, "Everyone knows that they should be kind to themselves". And I had to admit that I once 'knew' as well but did not practice. No amount of knowledge can change our personal credo, our beliefs about ourselves and the resulting actions we take, or lack thereof. Since knowledge and wisdom, applying that knowledge to our lives, are such vastly different experiences, perhaps what we need is to give ourselves the permission to actually practice kindness with ourselves.

Recently, I wrote an article for Natural Awakenings magazine; "The Most Important Relationship You'll Ever Have".  I referred to the fundamental relationship we have with ourselves.  The beliefs we hold about ourselves, the thoughts we harbor and the way we treat ourselves all reflect this most essential relationship.  The BKTY movement is the encouragement and the permission for all of us to nurture this most profound center of our lives.  This is the center of  our kindness continuum.  When we find the health and strength of self compassion we are empowered to love more deeply in our relationships, give more generously in our communities and meet the response-ability to release our gifts into the world.

Most of us don't admit that we berate, abuse and criticize ourselves several times daily. As a spiritual counselor I see many people who uncover a depreciating relationships with themselves but would never admit that outside of our sessions. As I'll share with you in the days to come, I was also once inundated with a monstrously overbearing critical voice that drove me to despair.

With new awareness, shifts in consciousness and spiritual practices, gradually, I could see what others saw and even the beauty within me that they did not yet know. So I urge you to share your own ideas of what it means to be kind to yourself.   I also encourage you to uncover the truth about your relationship with yourself.  And this movement will be a road of healing and self compassion that we all walk together.

The action happens here on the blog so let's engage the conversation; What does it mean to be kind to yourself?  Share your experience!

From my heart to yours,

Rev. Sala 
The Minister of Self Compassion


  1. My mother had a beautiful thing to say to me the other day. She said "When God said thou shall not judge, He was also telling us not to judge ourselves!" I apologize to any readers who are not religious, but the message is true regardless. Don't judge yourself, and try to learn to forgive yourself. That's the same kindness that we are told to extend to others, and we deserve it from ourselves.

  2. I'm glad to have found this article. I appreciate and agree with what you're saying, but some of us have a lot of negative thought training to undo in our own minds before we can really begin to be kind to ourselves. I, for one, am a little overwhelmed and not sure where to start. What would you recommend?


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