Tuesday, June 11, 2013

Wouldn't you like to feel safe?

This movement, BKTY- Be Kind to Yourself espouses practices of self compassion which encourage us  to return to ourselves over and over again with an unconditional love knowing that such a power will overcome anything.  Many of us do not even have the memory of ever experiencing unconditional love from another human being.  Yet to truly accept, love and nurture ourselves we need to cultivate such a possibility  for ourselves within our own hearts.  This is no easy feat.  BKTY was created to guide and support you on that very challenging journey knowing that the experience of self compassion can change the trajectory of countless lives and, in turn, the culture of our society.

The promise of this practice is powerful and simple; Instead of living in a mind that is a battle ground of self doubt and depreciation, we will live in a mind that is primed for generosity, creativity and societal cooperation.  This is the paradigm shift of the human race occurring within the individual consciousness.  But enough of lofty terms for today- I simply leave you with this; as you join this movement and apply the practices of self compassion, at the root of your daily experience, you will begin to feel safe living in your own skin.  Just think for a moment about how seldom you actually feel safe.  That lack of safety causes an avalanche of worry, doubt and fear that rule your moments.  To actually have the moment by moment experience of safety, is a gift that can change the quality of your life forever.  

As a gift to you, we are giving away a FREE Guided Meditation that introduces a short practice that you can use to cultivate self compassion.  Sign up to download the free meditation and enjoy the gift of compassion today- for yourself.  In joy!

From my heart to yours,

                                             Click here to get your FREE Guided Meditation

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