Wednesday, May 29, 2013

It's okay...

Photo: Put the mean critical voice in your head on an unpaid leave today. Be Kind to Yourself instead.

Put the mean critical voice in your head on an unpaid leave today. It's okay to give it yourself a break.

Be Kind to Yourself Movement

Inspiring the world to make the shift from self-criticism to Radical Self Love and Compassion.

1 comment:

  1. So many people are afraid to face the negative sides of themselves. I'm not talking about this self critical attack on themselves, I'm talking about recognizing what you really feel. Just because you're angry sometimes doesn't mean you're a mean person. Just because you're sad sometimes doesn't meant hat you're a bad person, or ungrateful. I think people beat themselves up way too much over not feeling a their best at all times, and that will only make the m feel worse.


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